Cat in the Bag (2013)

Directed by: Nils Skapāns

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A playful kitten crawls into a bag which changes their whole life.

Cartoon Cat: As the short begins, someone is dangling a bow tie on a string above a small black kitten with white paws.

Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws looking at dangling bow tie

After several leaps to try to catch the tie, the kitten licks its paw and acts disinterested.

Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws licking paw

The kitten then gets the tie and proceeds to tear it to shreds.

Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws with bow tie in mouth
Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws looking at shredded bow tie

Playing with a ball and clawing the carpet seems to upset the unseen owner.

Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws bouncing on ball
Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws clawing at carpet
Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws looking at carpet threads in claws

The kitten is then lured into a bag by the owner.

Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws being lured into bag

Shockingly, the bag is dumped on the street and the kitten is abandoned.

Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws abandoned in bag on street
Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws looking at bag on street

Hungry and alone, the kittens wanders and ends up in a pet cemetary.

Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws in pet cemetary

A little girl is sitting near a grave, looking through a photo album of pictures of her white cat.

Cat in the Bag - clay little girl with photo album sitting next to grave of cat
Cat in the Bag - clay photo album with photos of little girl and white cat

The girl sees the kitten and then gets up and moves away. Is there room in her heart for a new kitten? Watch this touching short and see!

Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws looking at little girl next to cat grave
Cat in the Bag - clay black kitten with white paws looking at cat gravestone

Final Mewsings: Cats should not be punished for being cats!

Many thank to Smooth Crimini for letting us know about this adorable short film.

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