by Linda Kay
Directed by: Tommy Lee Wallace
Synopsis: Silver Shamrock masks are all the rage for Halloween, which is unfortunate since the evil owner of the company plans to brainwash all the children wearing them to do his evil bidding.
Kitty Cameo: The town with the factory is under strict nighttime curfews. As the announcement for one evening curfew is made a hand reaches out from a doorway, retrieving a ginger tabby kitten and pulling him inside before shutting the door.

Purr Blurs: A couple of cats don’t get the message about being indoors at night. A white cat with black tabby markings jumps down from a fence into an alley.

And a tuxedo cat is barely visible walking out of frame in a motel parking lot.

Final Mewsings: You can give a cat a curfew but you can’t make them obey it.
Many thanks to T.j. Dotson, Matt and Mark Murton for letting us know about the cats in this film.
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