Hana-bi (1997)

English Title: Fireworks

Directed by: Takeshi Kitano

Synopsis: Police detective Yoshitaka Nishi (Takeshi Kitano) leaves the force to care for his terminally ill wife (Kayoko Kishimoto) after a series of life-shattering events.

Kitty Cameos: Nishi and his wife visit a temple late in the film. One shot shows several temple cats sitting together.

Hana-Bi - Fireworks - four temple cats

Later a man and a little girl are leaving the temple after seeing a large bell. A white cat with tabby markings is sitting near the gate.

Hana-Bi - Fireworks - white and tabby temple cat sitting by gate

As the bell starts to ring, a black cat appears and sits. The white and tabby cat walks towards the black cat and for a moment it seems as if all of them are listening to the bell ring.

Hana-Bi - Fireworks - white and tabby temple cat sitting by gate with black cat walking by
Hana-Bi - Fireworks - black cat sitting by gate with white and tabby cat walking over

There is also a painting of a cat with lilies for eyes, a series of flower-inspired paintings drawn by Nishi’s former partner. In actuality the paintings were done by the film’s director, Takeshi Kitano.

Hana-Bi - Fireworks - painting of cat with lilies for eyes

Final Mewsings: Temple cats lead more peaceful lives than policemen.

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