House of Mortal Sin (1976)

by Mark Murton

Also Known As: The Confessional; The Confessional Murders (video title)

Directed by: Pete Walker

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A sexually frustrated priest, Father Xavier Meldrum (Anthony Sharp), develops an unhealthy obsession with young Jenny Welch (Susan Penhaligon) after she visits his church, which soon puts her life and the lives of her friends in danger.

Kitty Cameo: In an effort to assuage Jenny’s fears, her friend Father Bernard Cutter (Norman Eshley) goes to the presbytery to speak to Meldrum. As he waits to be seen, a cry from a tuxedo cat sitting on a nearby radiator attracts his attention.

House of Mortal Sin - tuxedo cat on radiator
House of Mortal Sin - tuxedo cat on radiator
House of Mortal Sin - Father Cutter Norman Eshley watching tuxedo cat jumping down from radiator animated gif

This first scene with the cat was just to establish its presence at the presbytery, ready for a cheap jump scare (complete with Poor Cat Screech) when Jenny’s sister, Vanessa (Stephanie Beacham) goes to there to try and retrieve a tape that Meldrum made of Jenny and has been using against her.

House of Mortal Sin - tuxedo cat jumping down behind Vanessa Stephanie Beacham
House of Mortal Sin - tuxedo cat jumping down behind Vanessa Stephanie Beacham
House of Mortal Sin - tuxedo cat jumping down behind Vanessa Stephanie Beacham animated gif

Final Mewsings: Jump scares have certainly kept cats gainfully employed in films!

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