Directed by: Martin Scorsese
Synopsis: An orphan boy named Hugo (Asa Butterfield) lives secretly in a Paris train station where he winds the clocks and works on a secret automaton.
Kitty Cameo: There is a quick shot of a ginger Persian cat sitting on a stack of books in Monsieur Labisse’s (Christopher Lee) book shop. The cat does not interact with any of the characters and is not seen again. Later in the film Isabelle (ChloĆ« Grace Moretz) talks about her cat named Christina Rosetti after the poet, but it is not clear if she is talking about the bookstore cat or just making the story up completely.
It is also not clear if the cat actor is one of the same cat actors who played Crookshanks in the Harry Potter films but Birds and Animals UK provided the animals for both, so it is a possibility that one of the Crookshanks cat actors also played the cat in this film.
Final Mewsings: Cats and books are on a par with cats and movies!
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