Nine (2009)

Directed by: Rob Marshall

Synopsis: Based on the Broadway musical of the same name. Noted Italian film director Guido Contini (Daniel Day Lewis) struggles to create a new film while balances various relationships, both past and present.

Purr Blur: In one scene Contini is walking down a street with film star Claudia (Nicole Kidman). As they talk, a tabby cat is sitting nearby, apparently eating something.

Nine - Claudia Nicole Kidman and Guido Contino Daniel Day Lewis walking down street with tabby cat nearby
Nine - Claudia Nicole Kidman and Guido Contino Daniel Day Lewis walking down street with tabby cat nearby
Nine - Claudia Nicole Kidman and Guido Contino Daniel Day Lewis walking down street with tabby cat nearby

Final Mewsings: Cats have been known to break into song themselves.

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