Directed by: Richard Brooks
Synopsis: Based on the book by Truman Capote which follows the true story of two ruthless criminals (Robert Blake and Scott Wilson) who murder a family in a botched robbery then run from the police.
Purr Blur: In the family’s home at the beginning of the film the daughter, Nancy (Brenda Currin) comes down the stairs and turns a corner to go into the kitchen where her father (John McLiam) is standing. A tortoiseshell cat is standing on a sideboard and Nancy picks her up and carries her into the kitchen before setting her back down. The cat is not seen again.
Cat Image: A picture of a cat on the bottom of one of the criminal’s shoes also provides an important lead.
Final Mewsings: Cats don’t stick around for cold blooded murders.
Many thanks to Aaron Shuster for letting us know about the cat in this film.
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