Original Title: À l’intérieur
Directed by: Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury
This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Sarah (Alysson Paradis), a pregnant woman who is recently widowed, is terrorized in her home by a mysterious woman (Béatrice Dalle) who wants Sarah’s unborn child.
Kitty Cameo: When Sarah enters her home she uses her foot to keep a black cat from running outside.

She later watches as the cat eats some food on top of the stove.

Shortly after this Sarah has a horrible nightmare in which she sees extreme close ups of the cat’s face.

The cat hangs around Sarah but Sarah shows little or no interest in the cat, actually pushing him or her away. It is never fully explained but one would assume the cat was the pet of her late husband and she doesn’t care for the reminder of his being gone.

Kitty Carnage Warning! Sadly the cat walks up to the crazy woman who is sitting in the hall outside the bathroom where Sarah is trapped. She pets the cat a bit before twisting its neck and tossing the dead animal aside (a fake cat obviously being used for that action).

The animal trainers on the film were Michel and Frédérique Flaesh. The cat character was replaced by a dog for the U.S. remake.

Final Mewsings: This poor cat character really deserved so much better treatment all around!
Many thanks to Jenn for letting us know about the cat in this film.
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