Pedigree Dogs (1956)

British Pathé

Synopsis: Newsreel footage of Margaret Hazelman of Petworth, Surrey, feeding her large collection of pedigree dogs.

Reality Cats: As Margaret exits her home with a bucket of dog food, a gray Persian cat is sitting nearby.

Pedigree Dogs - Margaret Hazelman exiting house with gray Persian cat nearby

She doles out the food into numerous dishes as the Persian and a Siamese cat hover nearby.

Pedigree Dogs - Margaret Hazelman dishing out food with Siamese cat behind her
Pedigree Dogs - Margaret Hazelman dishing out food with gray Persian cat behind her

The Siamese cat watches as the dogs tear into the food.

Pedigree Dogs - Margaret Hazelman with dogs coming to eat and Siamese cat watching

The Siamese is later seen sitting in a basket with a Chihuahua.

Pedigree Dogs - Siamese cat in basket with Chihuahua

Final Mewsings: Cats prefer not to dine with dogs.

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