Isn’t He Like Dempsey? (1930)

by Linda Kay

British Pathé

Synopsis: Newsreel footage of boxer Max Schmeling in training.

Reality Cat: This footage was taken after Schmeling’s fight with Jack Sharkey on June 12, 1930 in which Schmeling won the World Heavyweight Championship after a foul low blow by Sharkey. The Phil Scot mentioned in the opening was a British heavyweight boxer. After a few shots of Schmeling in training we see him sitting in casual clothes happily cradling a tabby kitten in his lap.

Isn't He Like Dempsey? - Max Scheling sitting with tabby kitten on lap
Isn't He Like Dempsey? - Max Scheling sitting with tabby kitten on lap

Final Mewsings: Cats appreciate anyone who is a fellow scrapper.

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