by Linda Kay
Directed by: Albert Ray
Synopsis: Andy Frisby (Andy Clyde) is a clumsy employee whose boss (Dell Henderson) asks him to take his place at a meeting of a cat rescue operation supported by his wife which leads to the usual Columbia short complications.
Cat Cattle Call: For a short with cats in the title and an opening placard showing two drawn kitties one would expect there to be more than a few cats. In this aspect this comedy falls woefully short of the mark.

The only cats in the entire piece are those which belong to the boss’ wife, seen only when she calls him at work to tell him to attend the meeting of The Home for the Housing of Homeless Cats and donate one thousand dollars. She is lying on a bed surrounded by cats (ten by her husband’s count).

She even puts one of the cats, a white kitty with black markings named Sweetie Pie, on the phone and insists her husband meow back at her, causing him to look foolish in front of his secretary.

Incredibly, no other cats actually appear, although Andy ends up inebriated and bouncing between the cat rescue event and a meeting of rubber company representatives, trying to give his speech which includes suggestive lines such as, “Who is it who climbs up in bed with you at night and purrs happily? Who is it that rubs up against your leg when you come home at night?”

Final Mewsings: Is it too much to ask that a short comedy about cats includes more cats?
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