English Title: Forbidden Games
Directed by: René Clément
While no cats are seen being hurt in this film it does deal with animal deaths and includes a Canine Carnage Warning!
Synopsis: A young girl named Paulette (Brigitte Fossey) is left orphaned after an attack on refugees fleeing Paris and is taken in by a farm boy named Michel (Georges Poujouly). Together the two try to grapple with the realities of death.
Kitty Cameo: Near the end of the film an elderly woman is seen holding a cat in a busy railway station. The woman has a cup of food which she is sharing with the cat.

The woman then reaches for another bowl and takes a sip before sharing that as well.

Final Mewsings: Cat lovers take care of their kitties before themselves.
Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this film!
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