Keystone Hotel (1935)

Directed by: Ralph Staub

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: The Keystone Hotel is hosting a beauty contest and several past Sennett stars appear in this short talkie.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): In one scene the house detective (Hank Mann) is listening to the conversation inside a room and hears a man telling someone they have beautiful eyes and lovely silky black hair. The detective then remembers who he is, knocks on the door and demands he “Get her out of here!” Suddenly a black cat comes flying from the room into the detective’s arms, sending him falling backwards.

Keystone Hotel - black cat thrown at house detective Hank Mann

The pratfall is not hard on the cat, who simply rides Mann to the ground and then slinks away.

Keystone Hotel - black cat falling with house detective Hank Mann
Keystone Hotel - black cat falling with house detective Hank Mann
Keystone Hotel - black cat falling with house detective Hank Mann
Keystone Hotel - black cat slinking away from house detective Hank Mann
Keystone Hotel - black cat thrown out of room at hotel detective Hank Mann animated gif

As the detective watches, the cat runs around a corner then peeks back at him.

Keystone Hotel - black cat running down hallway
Keystone Hotel - black cat running down hallway
Keystone Hotel - black cat running down hallway
Keystone Hotel - black cat peeking around corner
Keystone Hotel - black cat running around corner and peeking back at hotel detective Hank Mann animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t appreciate house detectives butting into their business.

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