Directed by: Rosana Sullivan
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A feral black kitten finds an unlikely friend in a pitbull.
Cartoon Cat: This very touching short film from the Pixar Studios shows a feral kitten who is struggling for survival in the Mission district of San Francisco. In the first scene the kitten manages to steal a fish and is scurrying away. Being alone on the street, the kitten is reluctant to trust anyone, even a friendly woman who tries to coax it to her.

The kitten lives in a cardboard box in a run-down yard, a home which the tiny creature defends vigorously, even if just from pigeons.

The kitten lives alone with only a stuffed animal for comfort.

Things change radically when a pitbull moves into the backyard where the kitten lives. The kitten is terrified of the dog.

Eventually it becomes clear the pitbull’s owners have only obtained the dog to use for fighting. The dog and the kitten very slowly begin to trust one another and eventually form a friendship.

We won’t give away any more of this short except to say get your handkerchief’s ready!

A couple of interesting behind the scene videos explain how director Rosana Sullivan came up with the concept for the film and how it was made.
Final Mewsings: Even the toughest kittens need love.
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