La Cigarette (1919)

Directed by: Germaine Dulac

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Museum director Pierre Guérande (Gabriel Signoret) suspects his young wife Denise (Andrée Brabant) of being unfaithful and plans drastic measures for himself.

Purr Blur: Pierre follows Denise to an apartment where he sees Maurice Herbert (Jules Raucourt), the suspected lover, entering after her. A white cat is sitting on a windowsill above the courtyard in the apartment complex.

La Cigarette - white cat on windowsill above courtyard
La Cigarette - white cat on windowsill above courtyard
La Cigarette - white cat on windowsill above courtyard and Pierre Guérande Gabriel Signoret
La Cigarette - white cat on windowsill above courtyard and Pierre Guérande Gabriel Signoret

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t jump to conclusions.

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