La Poison (1951)

by Ted Davis

Directed by: Sacha Guitry

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: After enduring 30 years of something less than connubial bliss with drunken and slovenly shrew Blandine (Germaine Reuver), the exhausted and constantly harassed Paul Louis Victor Bracconier (Michel Simon) determines to put an end to the unwholesome relationship by murdering his wife, with surprisingly satisfactory results.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): In his jail cell awaiting trial for murder, Bracconier offers to share his soup with a pretty tabby, but the cat appears somewhat disappointed with the fare.

La Poison - Bracconier Michel Simon in jail cell with tabby cat
La Poison - Bracconier Michel Simon in jail cell with tabby cat
La Poison - Bracconier Michel Simon in jail cell with tabby cat
La Poison - Bracconier Michel Simon in jail cell with tabby cat
La Poison - Bracconier Michel Simon in jail cell with tabby cat animated gif

Final Mewsings: Prison cats can’t be choosy.

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