Laura Gets a Cat (2017)

Starring: Pepper

Directed by: Michael Ferrell

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Laura Snow (Dana Brooke) is struggling with various relationships and her place in the world.

Featured Feline: The cat which Laura gets does not come until the final minutes of the film. Laura is coming home to her apartment when a tabby and white cat suddenly appears. She greets the cat who then walks right into her apartment and makes herself at home.

Laura Gets a Cat - Laura Dana Brooke opening door as tabby cat Pepper approaches
Laura Gets a Cat - Laura Dana Brooke opening door as tabby cat Pepper enters apartment animated gif
Laura Gets a Cat - tabby cat Pepper under furniture
Laura Gets a Cat - tabby cat Pepper under furniture

Laura pets the cat and names her Pepper, pondering where she came from and if she is a good or evil cat.

Laura Gets a Cat - Laura Dana Brooke with tabby cat Pepper on lap
Laura Gets a Cat - Laura Dana Brooke with tabby cat Pepper on lap

The implication made earlier in the film is that if Laura ended up with a cat it would mean she was essentially done with relationships. By having Pepper come into her life, Laura seems to be accepting that her current relationships are really over.

Laura Gets a Cat - Laura Dana Brooke with tabby cat Pepper on lap licking finger
Laura Gets a Cat - Laura Dana Brooke with tabby cat Pepper on lap

In the final shots, Pepper (played by a cat actor of the same name) is shedding profusely as Laura strokes her fur.

Laura Gets a Cat - Laura Dana Brooke with tabby cat Pepper shedding on lap

Final Mewsings: Laura needs to get a cat brush!

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