Lost Boundaries (1949)

Directed by: Alfred L. Werker

Synopsis: Based on a true story. Dr. Scott Carter (Mel Ferrer) and his family, fair skinned African Americans, deal with prejudice in a small New England town when their background is revealed.

Purr Blurs: The Carter family owns a black cat which is only seen once walking at the top of the stairs and then running down in front of daughter Shelly (Susan Douglas). Shelly answers the phone as the cat runs toward the camera.

Lost Boundaries - black cat on landing above stairs
Lost Boundaries - black cat coming down stairs in front of Shelly Susan Douglas

A white cat belonging to Rev. John Taylor (Robert A. Dunn) is seen beneath his desk as he talks to Scott’s wife, Marcia (Beatrice Pearson).

Lost Boundaries - white cat beneath desk of Rev. John Taylor Robert A. Dunn with Marcia Beatrice Pearson
Lost Boundaries - white cat beneath desk of Rev. John Taylor Robert A. Dunn with Marcia Beatrice Pearson
Lost Boundaries - white cat beneath desk of Rev. John Taylor Robert A. Dunn with Marcia Beatrice Pearson

Final Mewsings: Cats are color blind (both literally and figuratively).

Many thanks to Brian H. for letting us know about the cats in this film!

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