English Titles: Max Doesn’t Like Cats; Love Me, Love My Cat
Directed by: Max Linder
This review contains some slight and cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warnings!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Max (Linder) is married to a woman (Lucy d’Orbel) who loves her cat even though Max cannot stand cats.
Featured Feline: The cat in question is a long-haired female tabby. The woman loves to hold and pet the cat, even when Max is trying to be romantic. Max tries to be patient and even pets the cat.

But when Max leans in for a kiss, his love puts the cat up between himself and her.

After they are married, the wife goes to play with the cat but finds the kitty is sick. She takes the cat’s temperature by putting a thermometer under its forearm.

The cat then has a cloth around its head as if it is suffering from a headache. The wife takes the cat over to the piano and pushes the keys down with the cat’s paw (just the thing a cat with a headache wants to do!)

Slight Kitty Carnage Warning! Max’s frustration with his wife’s obsession grows. He attempts to throw the cat out the window but with a bit of reverse footage she just bounces back again.

When Max finds the cat on the dinner table, this is too much.

They plan a trip to visit Max’s uncle. The wife puts the cat into a basket.

When she is not looking, Max removes the cat and quickly gives it to the butler (Georges Gorby), motioning for him to get rid of it.

Not knowing what else to do, the butler puts the cat into the piano.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealers): Later when the butler is dusting, we see the cat had not been sick after all, but has given birth to kittens.

Slight Kitty Carnage Warning! When Max and his wife come home quite some time later, he sits down to play the piano. He is shocked when he realizes the piano is absolutely filled with cats! Even though the original mama and babies were tabbies, these cats are of all different breeds. Max is not too gentle in pulling some of the cats out of the piano.

Max reaches his limit of exasperation with a house full of cats.

When he sits down, he sits on a cat which latches on to his behind (this is clearly a fake cat).

Cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warning! Running into the street, Max throws himself against a wall to crush the cat. The cat is seen flattened on the wall, clearly still a fake cat.

In a bit of overkill, Max then shoots the flattened cat with a gun.

The artwork on a poster for the film shows numerous black cats jumping out of a piano at Max.

Final Mewsings: If you really love cats, don’t marry someone who hates them.
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