Medea (1969)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Pier Paolo Pasolini

Synopsis: Ponderous celluloid interpretation of the myth in which noted sorceress Medea (Maria Callas) assists Jason (Giuseppe Gentile) in stealing the Golden Fleece, then reconsiders and takes vengeance.

Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): While at Medea’s home in Corinth, her nurse (Annamaria Chio) feeds two small tabby and white cats some milk from a bowl.

Medea - ginger and white tabby cat drinking milk from bowl
Medea - ginger and white and brown and white tabby cats licking lips
Medea - ginger and white and brown and white tabby cats licking lips
Medea - ginger and white tabby cat drinking milk from bowl
Medea - ginger and white and brown and white tabby cats licking lips and drinking milk animated gif

Medea leaves even though her women in waiting beg her not to go.

Medea - ginger and white and brown and white tabby cats behind women including nurse Annamarie Chio

When Medea returns, the cats are sitting on the stone steps inside the door. One stays put while the other scurries away as she enters.

Medea - ginger and white and brown and white tabby cats on steps as Maria Callas enters
Medea -  brown and white tabby cat on step and ginger and white running away as Maria Callas enters
Medea -  brown and white tabby cat on step and ginger and white running away as Maria Callas enters animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats know to get out of the way when Medea is in a mood!

Many thanks to Nick Wale for letting us know about the cats in this film.

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