by Linda Kay
Directed by: Mike Roth
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Damian Wayne (voiced by Yonas Kibreab) longs to follow in the footsteps of his superhero dad, Batman (voiced by Luke Wilson), a goal exploited by some familiar supervillains so they can steal Christmas from Gotham City.
Cartoon Cat: The Waynes own a ginger tabby cat named Selina (a nod to Catwoman, who does not appear in the film). Selina enjoys playing an art thief as Damian practices his superhero skills. Their chase around the mansion includes a lot of Poor Cat Screeches as well!

Ducking into the vent system of Wayne Manor, both Damian and Selina fall into part of Batman’s secret lair.

Selina resents it when Bruce implies that Damian could have caught a parasite from her fecal matter.

She is also as unimpressed as Damian is with the foam rubber baterangs that come with his new present, a utility belt of his own.

Selina is on hand when burglars break into Wayne Manor and steal Damian’s utility belt.

Damian breaks the news to Selina that she will not be able to accompany him as he goes in search of his belt. You can see that she is really broken up about it.

Selina returns at the end of the film in time for a Merry Christmas ending with Bruce, Damian and Alfred (voiced by James Cromwell).

This is a really delightful film with lots of in-jokes for Batman fans and just enough feels for a holiday special.

Final Mewsings: Cats make great sidekicks for superheroes (when they’re in the mood.)
Many thanks to Ted Davis and Yayoi Neko for letting us know about the cat in this film.
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