Young England Speeds Xmas Mail (1942)

by Linda Kay

British Paramount News

Synopsis: Silent film footage showcases young people employed by the postal service during Christmas in Slough, England.

Reality Cat: The school children are first shown sorting the letters and packages at the post office. A large group of kids then set off on bikes and on foot to deliver the Christmas mail. One girl approaches a door with an armful of mail and accidentally drops a bottle wrapped in brown paper on the ground, breaking it and spilling the contents. A quick shot of a tabby kitten lapping the spilled liquor follows.

Young England Speeds Xmas Mail - tabby kitten lapping up liquid spilling from broken brown paper wrapped bottle on ground

Several quick shots of the kitten acting confused and silly (implying the cat got drunk on the liquor) are interspersed with sped up footage of the children delivering the mail.

Young England Speeds Xmas Mail - tabby kitten arching back
Young England Speeds Xmas Mail - tabby kitten close up

Final Mewsings: Don’t let your cats get drunk on Christmas!

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