Modern Mexico City (1942)

Synopsis: One of the Traveltalk series of travelogues, this one showing the splendor of Mexico City.

Kitty Cameo: The narrator explains they are diverting from the history of the city to an amusing sideshow “staged by an odd trio of friendly enemies.” It is, in fact, a dog who carries a white cat and a white rabbit in a basket.

Modern Mexico City - dog with white cat and white rabbit in basket
Modern Mexico City - dog with white cat and white rabbit in basket
Modern Mexico City - dog with white cat and white rabbit in basket

The dog lifts the basket, walks a few steps, and sets it down again a few times.

Modern Mexico City - dog with white cat and white rabbit in basket
Modern Mexico City - dog with white cat and white rabbit in basket
Modern Mexico City - dog with white cat and white rabbit in basket
Modern Mexico City - dog with white cat and white rabbit in basket

Final Mewsings: Are they sure the dog wasn’t doing his grocery shopping?

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