Directed by: James Gunn
This review contains a cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warning!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Amy (Elizabeth Banks) and Anson (Josh Duhamel) have a wonderful romantic relationship except for his jealous cat Beezel.
Cartoon Cat: After the end credits start to roll a brand new segment begins with an animated cat in a title that reads It’s Beezel. Beezel belongs to Anson and comes between him and Amy (literally) while they are kissing in the couch.

As the short progresses it becomes clear that Beezel has more than just a desire for canned tuna and affection from Anson and is seriously jealous of his girlfriend.

Let’s make it clear: this is NOT a cartoon for kids. Most of the imagery from it we can’t (or rather won’t) show you. The entire movie is an exercise in extremely raunchy humor done in bad taste, which is fine if that’s what you’re in the mood for.

Cartoon Kitty Carnage Warning! We will let you know that when Beezel hears Anson considering the idea of getting rid of him for Amy, Beezel sets out to kill Amy with a shotgun. Eventually Amy gets the upper hand but does beat the living crap out of Beezel first. This is one film that needs to be seen to be believed, but don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Final Mewsings: Naughtiest animated cat on film since Fritz!
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