Nema-ye Nazdik (1990)

English Title: Close-Up

Directed by: Abbas Kiarostami

Synopsis: A recreation (using the principle people from the true story) of Hossain Sabzian’s impersonation of director Mohsen Makhmalbaf to win favor with a family and the fall-out of said act.

Purr Blur: At the beginning of the film, a taxi driver (Hooshang Shamaei) takes a reporter and two policemen to the family’s home to confront Hossain. As the taxi driver pulls his car around to the other side of the street, a white cat can be seen sitting outside the door to the residence’s yard.

Close-Up - white cat sitting outside gate
Close-Up - white cat sitting outside gate behind taxi driver Hooshang Shamaei

The cat then moves away shortly after the taxi driver steps out of the car to pick some flowers.

Close-Up - white cat moving away from gate behind taxi driver Hooshang Shamaei
Close-Up - white cat moving away from gate behind taxi driver Hooshang Shamaei

Final Mewsings: Impromptu cats are the best!

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