O.S.S. (1946)

by Ted Davis

Directed by: Irving Pichel

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Under the steady tutelage and guidance of demanding and thorough Commander Brady (Patric Knowles) of the O.S.S. (United States Government Office of Strategic Services), John Martin (Alan Ladd), alias Philip Masson, and Ellen Rogers (Geraldine Fitzgerald) alias Elaine Duprez, do their bit as undercover spies to win the struggle in France during WWII.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Jean-Jacques, Ellen’s comfortably sized tabby cat, is heard from outside the studio door before he’s seen. Ellen greets the cat directly after she and Brady enter the main room, asking Jean-Jacques whether he’s hungry.

O.S.S. - Ellen Geraldine Fitzgerald with tabby cat Jean-Jacque in chair and Brady Patrick Knowles
O.S.S. - Ellen Geraldine Fitzgerald gathering tabby cat Jean-Jacque from chair with Brady Patrick Knowles animated gif

The obvious response is YES! and Ellen hefts the famished feline from his chair, carrying him to the kitchenette for a bottle of milk and a saucer, then back in the main room to feed him on the floor.

O.S.S. - Ellen Geraldine Fitzgerald holding tabby cat Jean-Jacque with Brady Patrick Knowles
O.S.S. - Ellen Geraldine Fitzgerald setting tabby cat Jean-Jacque on floor with Brady Patrick Knowles
O.S.S. - Ellen Geraldine Fitzgerald giving tabby cat Jean-Jacque a saucer of milk on floor
O.S.S. - Ellen Geraldine Fitzgerald giving tabby cat Jean-Jacque a saucer of milk on floor
O.S.S. - Ellen Geraldine Fitzgerald giving tabby cat Jean-Jacque saucer of milk on floor animated gif

A moment later, Jean-Jacques makes himself at home on the couch with Ellen as Comdr. Brady goes through his O.S.S. indoctrination spiel, which is happily curtailed in this sequence.

O.S.S. - Ellen Geraldine Fitzgerald with tabby cat Jean-Jacque on couch and Brady Patrick Knowles
O.S.S. - Ellen Geraldine Fitzgerald with tabby cat Jean-Jacque on couch and Brady Patrick Knowles

Final Mewsings: Just a saucer of milk?!?! That’s a pretty measly meal for a hungry cat.

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