Something Evil (1972)

by Ted Davis

Directed by: Steven Spielberg

Synopsis: After nagging her successful adman husband Paul Worden (Darren McGavin) to buy a rural farm located two hours away from his New York office, jittery and increasingly tense Marjorie (Sandy Dennis in the type of role she was born to play) discovers a source of supernatural evil on the premises which threatens her entire family, most particularly her bushy headed son Stevie (Johnny Whitaker) and her little toddler Laurie (Debbie Lempert).

Purr Blur: Early in the movie, an orange and white tabby cat passes in front of Stevie and Laurie as they play on the lawn, with Stevie catching the end of the cat’s leash before she moves out of reach. The cat is never seen again.

Something Evil - ginger and white tabby walking past Stevie Johnny Whitaker and Laurie Debbie Lempert
Something Evil - ginger and white tabby walking past Stevie Johnny Whitaker and Laurie Debbie Lempert

Final Mewsings: The real mystery is not what hostile force is fomenting troubles for the Wordens, but just what the heck happened to the family cat.

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