by Ted Davis
Original Air Date: June 3, 1986
Directed by: Martin Lavut
Synopsis: Coincidences abound when twenty-five-dollar-a-day private eye Philip Marlowe (Powers Boothe) is captivated by the alluring Lola Barsley (Linda Griffiths), who is dodging corrupt Lieutenant Copernik (Maury Chaykin, overdoing the sleaze quotient), who is intent on questioning her about the abrupt shooting death of Waldo (Heinar Piller), who stole a set of matched pearls of enormous sentimental value to her, and who was also blackmailing her crooked and powerful politician husband Frank (R.H. Thomson). Marlowe plays white knight to Lola’s mysterious damsel in distress as he uncovers layer upon layer of vice, deception and murder.
Kitty Cameo: As Marlowe and Lola move to enter Waldo’s apartment to search for the stolen pearls, a neighboring lady retrieves her chonky mewing ginger and white tabby cat Leo from the hall, making something of a fuss over him in the process.

Final Mewsings: Cats are more precious than pearls.
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