Picpus (1943)

by Ted Davis

Directed by: Richard Pottier

Synopsis: An unpleasantly smug Inspector Maigret (Albert Prejean) is noticeably more attentive to the ladies than in later film incarnations, but all the portrayals of the character share the expected routine flights of genius, when the famous detective miraculously plucks the solution out of thin air, in this case solving an unsatisfying murder mystery that hinges on the disposition of an annuity worth millions of francs.

Purr Blur: Near the end of the picture, aged haberdashery owner (Gabrielle Fontan) puts her tabby cat out of the shop, as Maigret hustles the talkative old lady to meet her jittery brother Yves Le Cloaguen (Edouard Delmont), who is just one of many suspects.

Pispus - Gabrielle Fontan putting tabby cat out of shop
Pispus - Gabrielle Fontan putting tabby cat out of shop animated gif

Final Mewsings: Shop cats should form a union to protest these untimely evening ejections.

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