Rally ‘Round the Flag, Boys! (1958)

Directed by: Leo McCarey

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Harry (Paul Newman) and Grace Bannerman (Joanne Woodward) are having marital squabbles at the same time the Army is trying to import a secret installation to their tiny town of Putnam’s Landing.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): After constant fighting between the military and the town, Harry suggests Grace use both Army personnel and local townsfolk in a stage show about the landing of the Pilgrims. As Grace is introducing the play, she comments, “There is a well-known saying that coming events cast their shadows.” At this moment a black cat walks in front of her and Brigadier General W.A. Thorwald (Gale Gordon), indicating how things will go.

Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys - black cat crossing in front of Grace Joanne Woodward and General Thorwald Gale Gordon
Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys - black cat crossing in front of Grace Joanne Woodward and General Thorwald Gale Gordon
Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys - black cat crossing in front of Grace Joanne Woodward and General Thorwald Gale Gordon animated gif

Just before things get really out of control, the black cat crosses back in front of them again.

Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys - black cat crossing back in front of Grace Joanne Woodward and General Thorwald Gale Gordon
Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys - black cat crossing back in front of Grace Joanne Woodward and General Thorwald Gale Gordon
Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys - black cat crossing back in front of Grace Joanne Woodward and General Thorwald Gale Gordon animated gif

Final Mewsings: Sometimes cats can see the writing on the wall.

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this movie!

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