by Mark Murton
Music Artist: Michael Jackson
Directed by: John Singleton
Synopsis: With a running time of 9½ minutes, an estimated budget of $3.9 million and a cast that includes Eddie Murphy, Iman and Magic Johnson, this is more of a short film than a music video. The pharaoh Rameses the Great (Eddie Murphy) sits in his Egyptian palace with his wife, Nefertari (Iman), who announces she is bored and wants to be entertained. After several disappointing entertainments, a hooded figure (Michael Jackson) with a knack for manipulating sand sheds his cape to sing to the queen as well as performing an elaborately choreographed dance routine backed by the Pharaoh’s servants. The queen is suitably impressed, unlike the Pharaoh who orders his arrest.
Kitty Cameos: Several tabby cats are shown lounging around the palace during the opening moments of the video.

At the end of the film, Michael Jackson’s character is about to be captured by the pharaoh’s men only to turn into golden sand which is blown away by the wind just as another curious cat walks through the frame sniffing at the spot where Michael disappeared.

Final Mewsings: Cats provide all the entertainment anyone could need.
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