Schoolhouse Rock! – “Verb, That’s What’s Happening”

Original Air Date: February 2, 1974

Synopsis: A little boy goes to an action movie and learns all about verbs.

Cartoon Cat: At the end of the short the boy runs home as the song draws to its conclusion. He dashes up the steps of a building where a cat is sleeping.

Schoolhouse Rock - Verb, That's What's Happening - cartoon orange cat sleeping beside steps as boy runs home

The cat leaps up, startled, as the boy throws the front door shut behind him.

Schoolhouse Rock - Verb, That's What's Happening - cartoon orange cat jumping up scared beside steps as boy slams door
Schoolhouse Rock - Verb, That's What's Happening - cartoon orange cat jumping up scared beside steps as boy slams door animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats do NOT like the verb “slam!”

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