by Ted Davis
Directed by: Kurt Neumann
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: At the 21st birthday celebration for winsome Irene von Helldorf (Gloria Stuart), callow young Tommy Brandt (William Janney) hopes to prove his manhood and win her favor by spending the night in the castle’s infamous Blue Room, which has been locked since the time twenty years earlier when three persons met mysterious deaths in those chambers, all at the stroke of one in the morning. After Tommy’s attempt ends in his bewildering disappearance, the remaining claimants to Irene’s hand, the more experienced and assured Frank Faber (Onslow Stevens) and Captain Walter Brink (Paul Lukas), vow to solve the puzzling secret of the Blue Room.
Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): After tragedy strikes again in the Blue Room, the apartment is locked up securely, but minutes later Irene and Walter, along with Robert von Helldorf (Lionel Atwill) and butler Paul (Robert Barrat), are shocked by the strident ring of the room’s service bell. Walter and Paul run to the room and unlock the door to the supposedly empty room (empty of anything living, that is) to find the castle cat yanking on the bell pull.

As they discuss the problem, the cat hops down from the chair. The mystery of how the cat entered a sealed room is solved at the end of the movie.

Final Mewsings: The cat rang for service, yet no one took his order.
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