Supergirl – “Legion of Super-Heroes”

Original Air Date: January 15, 2018
Directed by: Jesse Warn

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!

Synopsis: After being rendered in a comatose state by Reign, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) lives in her subconscious until she is coaxed to find her way back to the real world.

Kitty Cameo: While in the coma state, Supergirl finds a photo of herself holding a black cat. She explains to Brainiac (Jesse Rath) how she found the cat which she named Streaky long after she came to Earth. “He was a stray, too.”

Supergirl - Legion of Super-Heroes - photo of Supergirl Melissa Benoist holding black cat Streaky

When she mentions she and Streaky were friends she is startled to see Streaky sitting on a chair nearby.

Supergirl - Legion of Super-Heroes - black cat Streaky sitting in chair

As she gets up to pet Streaky, she continues her story. “I used to go out every night and feed him. I didn’t want to touch him ’cause I was so strong, I could have hurt him. So I practiced being gentle. And then one day I pet him and he purred and everything was okay.”

Supergirl - Legion of Super-Heroes - Supergirl Melissa Benoist petting black cat Streaky on chair

She picks up Streaky and puts him on her lap to pet him. “He helped me feel like a human,” she finishes.

Supergirl - Legion of Super-Heroes - Supergirl Melissa Benoist holding up black cat Streaky
Supergirl - Legion of Super-Heroes - Supergirl Melissa Benoist petting black cat Streaky on chair

Supergirl only puts Streaky down when she realizes Brainiac is engaged in a fight in the real world.

Supergirl - Legion of Super-Heroes - Supergirl Melissa Benoist petting black cat Streaky on chair

Streaky was undoubtedly inspired by the original Supergirl comics in which she had a ginger cat named Streaky who was an Earth cat that was accidentally exposed to a rare Kryptonic isotope and gained his own super powers.

Supergirl - Legion of Super-Heroes - panels of Supergirl comic book ginger cat Streaky gaining super powers

Final Mewsings: Cats can be superhero sidekicks, too!

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