The Gore Gore Girls (1972)

Directed by: Herschell Gordon Lewis

Synopsis: A number of go-go girls are murdered in horrible ways and smooth detective Abraham Gentry (Frank Kress) is on the trail of the killer.

Kitty Cameo: After a girl is killed in the opening scene, Abraham is seen sitting at home on his couch reading about the murder in the newspaper. In his lap is a black cat.

The Gore Gore Girls - black cat sitting in lap of Abraham Gentry Frank Kress
The Gore Gore Girls - black cat sitting in lap of Abraham Gentry Frank Kress

Someone knocks on the door. Abraham gets up and inexplicably places the cat inside a cupboard, closing the door. The cat is not seen again and for all we know the cat is still locked in the cupboard! It might help to explain that this film is actually a comedy.

The Gore Gore Girls - black cat being carried by Abraham Gentry Frank Kress

Final Mewsings: Cats are not made to be stored away.

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