Swamp Water (1941)

Swamp Water poster

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
 Dana Andrews, Anne Baxter, Ward Bond
Directed by: Jean Renoir

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A fur trapper named Ben (Dana Andrews) discovers a fugitive living in the Okefenokee Swamp and keeps the man’s secret while falling in love with his daughter.

Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): One scene early in the film takes place in the General Store.  Numerous men are hanging around as Ben buys provisions for a trip into the swamp to look for his hunting dog, Trouble.  In the background some kittens can be seen playing on the wood floor.

Swamp Water - kittens in background on floor of general store

The Dorson Brothers, Tim (Ward Bond) and Bud (Guinn Williams) tease Ben and he pushes Bud backwards where he stumbles into the kittens.

Swamp Water - Mama cat and kittens being bumped into by leg of man

The store owner Marty (Russell Simpson) grumbles about “that she house cat” seeming to always have a litter whenever he turns his back.

Swamp Water - kittens on floor of general store

Kitty Carnage Warning! Tim suggests that he and Bud gather up the kittens, throw them into a sack and take them down to the creek to drown them in exchange for a bottle of liquor.  Marty readily agrees.

Swamp Water - Tim Ward Bond grabbing for mama cat and kittens on floor of general store

Tim and Bud gather up the kittens and toss them into a burlap sack.  The mother cat ducks under a table and it isn’t clear if she is caught and bagged as well.

Swamp Water - Tim Ward Bond and Bud Guinn Williams grabbing kittens to put into sack

Julie (Anne Baxter), a girl who has been working in the store for her room and board, sneaks behind the men to rescue a tabby kitten hiding behind a barrel.

Swamp Water - Julie Anne Baxter pulling tabby kitten from behind barrel

Tim sees her and tries to snatch the kitten away but Julie bites the man and runs for the door!

Swamp Water - Julie Anne Baxter caught by Tim Ward Bond as she tries to save tabby kitten

Swamp Water - Tim Ward Bond trying to pull tabby kitten away from Julie Anne Baxter

Unfortunately Marty calls after her and stops her at the door and orders her to return and give them the kitten.

Swamp Water - Julie Anne Baxter holding tabby kitten in doorway of general store

Ben suggests that Marty let her keep the kitten and Julie has a moment of hope until Marty orders her to give the kitten to Tim, who then pushes Julie roughly aside.

Swamp Water - Julie Anne Baxter angrily giving tabby kitten to Tim Ward Bond

The kittens are never seen being drowned and no cats are seen for the rest of the film.

Final Mewsings: Those that drown kittens come to a bad end!

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