Directed by: Joe May
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoiler for this film!
Synopsis: Geoffrey Radcliffe (Vincent Price) takes a formula to make him invisible so he can elude the police, but the side effect of the drug is madness.
Kitty Cameo: Constable Briggs (Rex Evans) is on patrol when a detective (Paul England) pauses to spook him about the invisible man they are seeking. He ends with “See you later, I hope!” Moments later the detective is in turn spooked by a movement in some tree branches and calls out for Briggs. Briggs shines his torch upward and demands that whoever is there should come down. A white cat scurries down from the tree. Briggs gives the detective a taste of his own medicine by saying, “See you later, I hope!”

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t need formulas to make themselves invisible!
Many thanks to Ted Davis and Mark Murton for letting us know about the cat in this film.
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