The Princess and the Frog (2009)

Directed by: Ron Clements, John Musker

This review contains a Cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warning!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A waitress named Tiana (voiced by Anika Noni Rose) dreams of owning her own restaurant, but a curse from a voodoo priest sidelines her plans.

Cartoon Cat: At the beginning of the film Tiana is a little girl (voiced by Elizabeth Dampier) sitting with her friend and her mother’s client Charlotte (voiced by Breanna Brooks). Tiana’s mother Eudora (voiced by Oprah Winfrey) is a seamstress and as she works on a fancy dress for Charlotte she reads the story of The Frog Prince to the girls. Charlotte is clutching her white kitten as she listens.

The Princess and the Frog - young Charlotte hugging white kitten Marcel with young Tiana

Cartoonish Kitty Carnage Warning! Charlotte is absently-mindedly rough with her kitten, whose name Marcel is not mentioned in the movie itself.

The Princess and the Frog - young Charlotte hugging white kitten Marcel too tightly with young Tiana
The Princess and the Frog - young Charlotte hugging white kitten Marcel too tightly with young Tiana animated gif
The Princess and the Frog - young Charlotte hugging white kitten Marcel with young Tiana
The Princess and the Frog - young Charlotte hugging white kitten Marcel too tightly with young Tiana

Poor Marcel suffers through more roughhousing and humiliation when Charlotte throws a frog mask over his head and tries to make Tiana kiss him.

The Princess and the Frog - young Charlotte standing beside white kitten Marcel
The Princess and the Frog - white kitten Marcel with frog mask on head
The Princess and the Frog - young Charlotte shoving frog mask on white kitten Marcel and pushing him to kiss Tiana animated gif

Charlotte then hugs and kisses Marcel herself, leaving the poor frazzled kitten to leap to the ceiling and cling there (very similar to the way Claude cat did in the classic Warner Bros. cartoons).

The Princess and the Frog - young Charlotte hugging white kitten Marcel
The Princess and the Frog - frazzled white kitten Marcel clinging to ceiling
The Princess and the Frog - young Charlotte roughhousing with frazzled white kitten Marcel who jumps to ceiling animated gif

Eudora tells the girls to stop tormenting the poor little kitty and pulls Marcel down from the ceiling, setting him on the floor. She pulls the frog mask off and a shaken Marcel slinks away.

The Princess and the Frog - Eudora pulling white kitten Marcel from ceiling
The Princess and the Frog - Eudora setting white kitten Marcel on floor
The Princess and the Frog - frazzled white kitten Marcel
The Princess and the Frog - frazzled white kitten Marcel crouching on floor

Shortly after this Charlotte’s father enters and gives his daughter a puppy. The dog returns later in the film but Marcel is not seen again.

The Princess and the Frog - frog mask being pulled off frazzled white kitten Marcel who slinks away animated gif

Final Mewsings: Never was a cat so happy to be replaced by a dog!

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