The Silent Playground (1963)

by Mark Murton

Directed by: Stanley Goulder

Synopsis: Police desperately hunt for psychiatric hospital out-patient Simon Lacey (Roland Curram) who has been unwittingly handing out barbiturates to children as sweets.

Purr Blur: As Inspector Duffy (Bernard Archard) and Sgt. Clark (Basil Beale) arrive at Lacey’s home to question his mother (Jean Anderson) as to his whereabouts a black cat can be seen on the other side of the road running along the snow-covered pavement before turning into a garden.

The Silent Playground - black cat in background behind Inspector Duffy Bernard Archard and Sgt. Clark Basil Beale
The Silent Playground - black cat in background behind Inspector Duffy Bernard Archard and Sgt. Clark Basil Beale
The Silent Playground - black cat in background behind Inspector Duffy Bernard Archard and Sgt. Clark Basil Beale
The Silent Playground - black cat running in background behind Inspector Duffy Bernard Archard and Sgt. Clark Basil Beale animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats and kids should not accept treats from strangers.

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