Directed by: Nelson McCormick
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A remake of the 1987 horror film finds a seemingly mild-mannered David Harris (Dylan Walsh) moving in with Susan Harding (Sela Ward) and her kids who don’t realize he has a murderous past.
Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): The Harding’s neighbor is Mrs. Cutter (Nancy Linehan Charles), known as the neighborhood cat lady. She rings the Harding’s doorbell holding a British Shorthair tabby cat. She tells Susan that she has seen a segment on America’s Most Wanted about a missing stepfather who killed his family and notes that the police sketch looked like David. When Susan relays this information to David, he laughs.

Leaving for work, David drives by Mrs. Cutter in her yard. She is still holding the same cat (she seems to carry him around everywhere).

David waves at her and she looks stunned and scared.

When David drives by on his way home from work he gives her a serious look.

Later Mrs. Cutter is feeding several cats in her backyard when the doorbell rings.

She walks to the front door and opens it to find no one there.

Walking back into the house, a black cat named Midnight leaps out in front of her in a classic Spring-Loaded Cat moment accompanied by a Poor Cat Screech.

Concerned, Mrs. Cutter looks for Midnight and finds him in a closet, cowering and hissing. The cat then scurries away. Of course David is right behind the woman and attacks her.

David throws Mrs. Cutter down the basement stairs and then calmly picks up her cat, walking down toward her.

He holds the poor woman’s mouth and nose shut until she dies, then walks back up the stairs. The British Shorthair looks confused as does a ginger tabby cat also in the basement.

There were no cats in the original film, but only in that sense is this version is better. A stuffed toy was used to make the black cat hiss and all cat action was closely monitored by trainers and the AHA.

Final Mewsings: Cats aren’t crazy enough to tangle with a crazed killer.
Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the cats in this film.
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