Directed by: Ben Holmes
This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!
Synopsis: Jerry Martin (Gene Raymond) and Connie Taylor (Ann Sothern) are ace reporters for rival newspapers who plan to be married, unless their bosses have something to say about it.
Kitty Cameos (and Kitty Carnage Warning!): In one scene Jerry follows a man into an alley in order to steal his clothes and don a disguise. Moments later four alley cats come flying out, supposedly chased from the alley by the fracas. Only problem is these cat actors appear to not be following direction or moving quickly enough, so someone is actually throwing them out of the alley, sliding them out across the sidewalk. It’s little wonder the cats look like they have no idea what’s going on!

Final Mewsings: Cats can’t be forced to act.
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