by Mark Murton
Also Known As: Ragman; Death at 33 RPM
Directed by: Charles Martin Smith
Synopsis: Bullied teenage ‘metal head’ Eddie Weinbauer (Marc Price) is devastated by the death of his idol, Sammi Curr (Tony Fields). But as Halloween approaches he realises he may be the only one who can stop Sammi from making a Satanic comeback from beyond the grave.
Kitty Cameo: The family’s Persian ginger tabby cat is first seen when Eddie goes down to the kitchen to put on some washing and the cat is lying on the counter in front of the television. When Eddie’s attention is drawn to the televised report about the death of his hero the cat has mysteriously disappeared (presumably so the screen isn’t obscured).

The cat doesn’t appear again until a scene where Eddie’s mother Angie (Elaine Joyce) is in her bedroom lying on the floor working out while the cat opts to lounge on the bed above her.

The animal trainer on the film was Debbie Coe.

Final Mewsings: Cats in films are always a treat.
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