Underdog (2007)

Directed by: Frederik Du Chau

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Based on the cartoon series, a beagle named Shoeshine (voiced by Jason Lee) is given extraordinary powers by a mad scientist named Dr. Simon Barsinister (Peter Dinklage).

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Shoeshine is sitting in a park with his new owner Jack (Alex Neuberger) when they spot a ginger tabby cat nearby. “Well, there goes the neighborhood,” the dog sighs. Jack tells Shoeshine no, sensing he wants to do something to the cat.

Underdog - ginger tabby cat standing by tree

Shoeshine tries to ignore the cat but when he looks at him again the cat says, “Freak!” in a deep voice.

Underdog - ginger tabby cat standing by tree

Using his super speed, Shoeshine races at the cat and scoops him up, depositing him into a tree, presumably to get stuck.

Underdog - ginger tabby cat standing by tree with blur coming near
Underdog - ginger tabby cat standing in tree

During a montage scene highlighting Shoeshine’s abilities as Underdog, he is seen rescuing the ginger tabby from a burning building.

Underdog - rescuing ginger tabby cat from burning building

After setting the cat on the sidewalk, Underdog says, “Now look, don’t tell your cat friends about this. I have a reputation to uphold.”

Underdog - setting ginger tabby cat on sidewalk
Underdog - talking to ginger tabby cat
Underdog - talking to ginger tabby cat

“Freak!” the cat says again. “Yep, I thought that was you,” Underdog sighs.

Underdog - ginger tabby cat calling Underdog freak
Underdog - ginger tabby cat with Underdog

Poor Cat Screech: There are two times a poor cat screech is heard to comic effect; once when a mailman crashes his truck off screen and again when Underdog and Polly drop a meatball from the top of a building.

The animal actors were provided by Boone’s Animals for Hollywood.

Underdog - ginger tabby cat standing by tree

Final Mewsings: Don’t expect cats to thank you for saving them.

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