We’re No Ordinary Cats (1926)

British Pathé

Synopsis: Silent newsreel footage shows cats and their owners at a cat show held at the Crystal Palace in London.

Reality Cats: The opening placard reads, “Magnificent specimens . . . (and conscious of it, too!) of Felis Domestica at the National Cat Show.” Several cats are shown including a white and gray Persian, long-haired tabbies and a Siamese.

We're No Ordinary Cats - white Persian cat with owner at Crystal Palace Cat Show in London

We're No Ordinary Cats - white Persian cat at Crystal Palace Cat Show in London

We're No Ordinary Cats - long-haired tabby cat at Crystal Palace Cat Show in London

We're No Ordinary Cats - long-haired tabby cat at Crystal Palace Cat Show in London

We're No Ordinary Cats - Siamese cat and owner at Crystal Palace Cat Show in London

We're No Ordinary Cats - long-haired gray cat held by owner at Crystal Palace Cat Show in London

We're No Ordinary Cats - long-haired gray cat with ribbon around neck at Crystal Palace Cat Show in London

Final Mewsings: Cats are gorgeous without even trying!

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