Whale Rider (2002)

Starring: Ringworm

Directed by: Niki Caro

Synopsis: Pai (Keisha Castle-Hughes) is a Maori girl who would have been next in line for chief if only she had been born male. So she struggles to win respect in the eyes of her father.

Purr Blurs: In and around the school there is a tabby cat which can be seen in the background in several shots.

Whale Rider - tabby cat on floor of school
Whale Rider - tabby cat on floor of school

Apparently this was a local cat who had a habit of wandering into the shot whenever they were filming. The crew ended up naming the cat Ringworm.

Whale Rider - tabby cat on grass outside with class
Whale Rider - tabby cat outside school with Pai Keisha Castle-Hughes

Two other cats appear very briefly climbing on a fallen tree.

Whale Rider - two cats on fallen tree

Final Mewsings: Cats know how to crash movie sets.

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