When the Wind Blows (1986)

Directed by: Jimmy T. Murakami

Synopsis: Based on the book by Raymond Briggs. Hilda (voiced by Peggy Ashcroft) and Jim Bloggs (voiced by John Mills) are an older couple who attempt to prepare for the onset of a nuclear war and then face the consequences after it starts.

Cartoon Cat: In one scene Hilda is reminiscing about her family’s World War II Anderson bomb shelter and how they grew flowers on it. A flashback sequence shows her as a little girl inside the shelter as a brown cat approaches.

When the Wind Blows - little girl Hilda with cartoon brown cat outside bomb shelter

She picks up and hugs the cat.

When the Wind Blows - little girl Hilda picking up cartoon brown cat from outside bomb shelter
When the Wind Blows - little girl Hilda hugging cartoon brown cat inside bomb shelter
When the Wind Blows - little girl Hilda picking up and hugging cartoon brown cat inside bomb shelter animated gif

Final Mewsings: If only cats and children would never need bomb shelters again.

Many thanks to RobG for letting us know about the cat in this film!

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