British Pathé
Synopsis: Subtitled “Queer Things the World Over,” this is a collection of film oddities including several segments about cats, oddly named streets and a man playing a tune on a pencil.
Reality Cats: First up is a visit with cat “collector” Nancy Richardson of Otford, Kent, who is seen feeding her many cats.
In amongst the collection is one dog who is undoubtedly outnumbered but seems at home enough.
The second segment is about Gibson, the world’s largest (or rather the most obesely overfed) cat in the world owned by Mr. Turner of Raynes Park in London.
This cat was featured in another newsreel segment which states at the end, “And now he’s dead!”
Finally we briefly meet Mrs. Muller in Ealing, London, with her cat whose stripes spell out the word “Mice” (although it is clear a little paint has been added to make the word show more clearly).
Final Mewsings: The question ought to be, “Should you believe it?”
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