Your Witness (1950)

by Mark Murton

Also Known As: Eye Witness

Directed by: Robert Montgomery

Synopsis: Adam Heyward (Robert Montgomery), a leading American lawyer, travels to London to defend an old friend from the Second World War who is facing a charge of murder.

Purr Blur: Convinced there was a witness who can prove it was a case of self-defense, Heyward gets permission to view the crime scene at the Baxter Stables. Arriving there with new acquaintance Alex Summerfield (Patricia Wayne) they rendezvous with P. C. Hawkins (John Sharp) who has the key. As they go to greet him a tabby cat can barely be glimpsed in the background emerging from behind a pile of hay, which after glancing in their direction saunters off.

Your Witness - tabby cat emerging from behind hay pile behind Robert Montgomery, Patricia Wayne and John Sharp
Your Witness - tabby cat emerging from behind hay pile behind Robert Montgomery, Patricia Wayne and John Sharp
Your Witness - tabby cat emerging from behind hay pile behind Robert Montgomery, Patricia Wayne and John Sharp animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats are experts at the subtle photobomb.

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