Alfred Hitchcock Presents – “Craig’s Will”

Original Air Date: March 6, 1960

Starring: Orangey

Directed by: Gene Reynolds

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!

Synopsis: A man named Thomas Craig (Dick Van Dyke) and his floozy girlfriend Judy (Stella Stevens) are stunned when Craig’s father leaves all of his money to his dog Casper (played by canine actor Red).

Kitty Cameos: In the opening segment of the episode, Hitchcock is sitting with three dogs. During the next segment the dogs are gone and Hitchcock explains they have been left a small fortune and retired. At the end, Hitchcock is holding a whip and chair and says that after the humiliation he’s experienced he feels it is time for man to regain his superiority over animals. As he bids the audience good night he slowly approaches four tabby cats on stools.

Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Craig's Will - four tabby cats on chairs
Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Craig's Will - four tabby cats on chairs and Alfred Hitchcock approaching with chair and whip

The cats appear to be members of Frank Inn’s team of tabby cats known collectively as Orangey. This is a rare moment to see four members of the team appearing on screen at the same time!

Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Craig's Will - four tabby cats on chairs and Alfred Hitchcock approaching with chair and whip
Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Craig's Will - four tabby cats on chairs and Alfred Hitchcock approaching with chair and whip animated gif

Final Mewsings: Man will never have superiority over cats.

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cats in this episode.

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