An American Tragedy (1931)

Directed by: Josef von Sternberg

Synopsis: Based on the novel by Theodore Dreiser. Clyde Griffiths (Phillips Holmes) is determined to become successful and improve his lot in life, even if it means doing the unthinkable.

Purr Blur: In one scene Clyde is in a phone booth in a drug store talking to Roberta (Sylvia Sidney). As Clyde exits the booth, a black cat suddenly appears, jumping over the back of a counter.

An American Tragedy - black cat climbing over back of counter behind newsboy
An American Tragedy - black cat climbing over back of counter behind newsboy

The cat climbs across some sundries towards a newsboy, apparently looking for a way to get down.

An American Tragedy - black cat climbing down counter behind newsboy

It’s interesting to note that Josef von Sternberg frequently included black cats in his films.

An American Tragedy - black cat climbing over back of counter behind newsboy and Clyde Griffiths Phillips Holmes animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats like to keep up with current news.

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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